The mission

Superdrug wanted to create an online platform to allow the HR teams across all it’s sister companies to collaborate and communicate more effectively.

We consulted with the business to understand the existing issues and frustrations.  We wanted to understand some of the business cases that needed to be addressed and this involved speaking to teams across the UK and Europe.

We came up with the concept of a social networking platform with an embedded document collaboration tool.  This would give the HR professional a forum to discuss the projects they were working on and to seek out help and advice from other businesses that had been through the same processes already.

The website needed to reflect the brand whilst remaining highly functional.  We worked closely with the business for 9 months to bring this vision to life.

Case study image for Superdrug
Case study image for Superdrug

Close collaboration

Working closely with the Superdrug team in Croydon , we carefully constructed the creative and technical briefs for the project.

Ensuring that the business was fully behind the project was a top priority for us.  We help multiple on-site consultations to ensure that we had covered every angle and that all stakeholders were on board and excited to get going.

Case study image for Superdrug

Design to delight

Working from the creative brief, we design an elegant, yet simple front end that allowed users to access core information on a matter of clicks.

Keeping the look and feel similar to existing social networking platforms meant that users adopted the system extremely quickly and felt at home within a matter of minutes.

Testimonial image for Superdrug
The level of commitment and creative ideas from you guys has been outstanding!

Bob Pearce

Learning and Talent Director

Technical excellence

Underneath the beautiful skin was a core of technical features.  Among other things, users were able to:

  • Upload and manage documents
  • Follow colleagues
  • Create and save news feeds
  • Create and join groups
  • Receive notifications from people, groups and documents
  • Initiate private conversations

Hero banner image


Overall satisfaction from HR teams


Months to bring the site to life


Messages sent in the professional forum

The results

Something here

And here

Have you seen this other work we’ve done recently?